Richard, in addition to his freelance consultancy and mentoring work, is the co-founder (with Martyn Pentecost) of mPowr Limited.

Since 2009, mPowr has been publishing fiction and non-fiction titles under our mPowr Publishing and DotDotDot Publishing imprints.

But mPowr goes beyond book production and publishing.

Working with authors from first idea until long after publication we create:

  • Printed books
  • E-books
  • Audiobooks
  • Audio programmes (CDs and online audio guided meditations, etc.)
  • Transmedia publications (integrating printed material, audio and video media in a single experience)
  • Extensive training programmes incorporating high-quality printed manuals and advanced online learning environments

mPowr launched Immersive Publishing to work 1:1 with business owners and authors. mPowr helps authors develop their writing skills and their project plans. Additionally mPowr can bring unique perspectives to businesses through consultancy projects, presentations, seminars and workshops.

mPowr has recently developed its group and self-guided programme for budding authors and will roll out further group and self-guided programmes in writing, authoring, publishing and marketing strategy on the new site:  The Alternate Reality Company.

The latest addition to the mPowr family of services is Book Brand Business. This is where someone with a draft manuscript can get it published as a high-quality, professional book.

Company Name: mPowr Limited
Registered in England & Wales: 6910959
Registered Address: 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR
VAT Registered: GB 976 6135 81
mPowr Limited is a member of the Independent Publishers Guild.

© 2023 Richard Hagen

All rights reserved.